WEB PT CTF-5 (SQL Injection K2)
ExploreWEB Exercise-2 (Configure and use non-proxy aware clients)
ExploreWEB Exercise-4 (Rewrite host header)
ExploreWEB Exercise-6 (Manipulate response headers)
ExploreWEB Exercise-8 (Use of Intruder module for attack)
ExploreWEB Exercise-10 (Discover the content for hidden functionalities - Burp Suit Pro)
ExploreWEB Exercise-12 (Live capture of session tokens and analysis - All users)
ExploreWEB Exercise-14 (Attacking with Burp Infiltrator – Burp Pro users)
ExploreWEB PT CTF-4 (SQL Injection)
ExploreWEB Exercise-1 (Explore and make configuration for a pentest engagement)
ExploreWEB Exercise-3 (Automate and filter spider, target site map)
ExploreWEB Exercise-5 (Payload Positioning Attack)
ExploreWEB Exercise-7 (Configure macros for session recovery)
ExploreWEB Exercise-9 (Pentest using Burp Professional)
ExploreWEB Exercise-11 (Use the various extensions from BApp store)
ExploreWEB Exercise-13 (Attacking with Burp Collaborator – Burp Professional users)
ExploreWEB Exercise-15 (Find at least two examples of clickjacking in simulating lab - All users)